
I work in the area of Applied Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. My research interests include Stability of Shock Profiles, Nonlinear Wave Propagation, three-phase flow in porous media, Riemann problems and Numerical methods for PDEs.

  • Contact:
  • luisfer@impa.br
  • luisfer99@gmail.com
  • luis.guerrero@ice.ufjf.br






Current position

  • Mathematical Researcher - 2019 -


  • PostDoctoral  position Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora,  2018- 2019.
  • Ph.D. in Math. July 2018. IMPA, Rio de Janerio, Brazil. Adviser: Dan Marchesin.
  • Master of Sciences  Mathematics, April 2013. Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia. Adviser: Juan Carlos Muñoz Grajales.
  • Bachelor in Math, November 2008. Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia . Adviser: Juan Carlos Muñoz Grajales.


  • Structure of undercompressive shock waves in three-phase flow in porous media.
  • Displacement of three-phase flow for Heavy Oil: Riemann Solutions.
  • Modeling the relative permeabilities and capillary pressure for the
    two-phase flow in porous media using drainage traveling waves.
  • Solution construction of the Riemann problem describing three-phase foam flow in porous media



  • The traveling foam wavefront in fractured porous medium (2024) with A. J. C. Vasquez and Grigori Chapiro https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2024.113437
  • Analytical Investigation of the Three-Phase foam Flow in Porous Media (2024) with Grigori Chapiro and Dan Marchesin https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202437040
  • Mathematical Analysis of the Foam Flow in Porous Media Accounting for Nanoparticle Presence and Adsorption Effects (2024) with Grigori Chapiro, Giulia Fritis, Tatiana Danelon and Pavel S Paz https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202437034
  • On the Riemann problem for the foam displacement in porous media with linear adsorption (2024) with Grigori Chapiro, Giulia Fritis, and Pavel S Paz https://doi.org/10.1137/23M1566649
  • Traveling wave solutions describing the foam flow in porous media for low surfactant concentration with Rosmery Quispe Zavala and  Grigori Chapiro.
  • The traveling wavefront for foam flow in two-layer porous media
  • On the injectivity estimation in foam EOR
  • Analytical solution for the population-balance model describing foam displacement considering surfactant dispersion
  • How simplifying capillary effects can affect the traveling wave solution profiles of the foam flow in porous media
  • Solução do problema de Riemann para escoamento de água-óleo na presença de solvente em meio poroso
  • Analytical solution for the population-balance model describing foam displacement
  • Mathematical properties of the foam flow in porous media (2021) with Grigori Chapiro and Rosmery Quispe Zavala https://rdcu.be/cc4ic
  • Diffusive Riemann Solutions for 3-phase flow in Porous Media (2020) with Dan Marchesin https://proceedings.sbmac.org.br/sbmac/article/download/2705/2728
  • Existence and uniqueness for a nonlocal internal wave model (2016) with Juan Carlos Muñoz Grajales. https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/pdf/10.1142/S0219530515500037